Eruch was the rock who said the Master dropped his body,

Eruch was the rock who said the Master dropped his body,
to live forever in our hearts and minds without threnody.

The Master lives by the breath that breathes his living name,
not by the lament that he has gone or quit his game.

The Master is here and now in the path of remembrance;
he is the lover now present in the rhythm of time’s dance.

It is the Master’s longing for us that inspires the heart,
to find with joy a presence we are ever loath to part.

The diamond love of the eternally living Perfect One,
lights our way with a thousand glances shining like the Sun.

Eruch had a perfect memory that was never sentimental;
the focus of his mind on the moment was monumental.

If there is one man who brings tears to Darvish’s eyes,
it is the lifelong servant of the Master who never dies!

note: Eruch = Eruch Jessawala, lifelong disciple of Avatar Meher Baba




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