From the very beginning to the very end, the Master

From the very beginning to the very end, the Master
Plays with time as he spins the Earth on his finger.

All the worlds spin around the Eternal Beloved, and
Are madly in love with him- The Divine axis and center.

We circle the sacred Poplar tree, eagle claw uniting
Our hearts with screaming Silence- a solar door.

All thought circles the one desire of the infinite Sun:
No shadow lives but longs to die a death brighter!

Our feet dance to the rhythm of longing vision for Fire-
Your long black curls are sharp rays burning and tender!

Cool breath of kindness caresses in blissful flame:
The Master’s name is all Mercy and radiant Star.

Darvish spins on his dancing feet, as The Friend’s
Name calls out the time with resounding splendor!

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12 years ago

Truely moving Billji… Thanks!