Darvish Talks To Nosh Anzar, Part 1

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10 years ago

Is the dial a prayer serious? Baba up in the sky hahah. love your work Darvish. Please keep us posted. I just wished you said New Jersey with an accent like your mouth was full of chewing tobacco

10 years ago

drunk indeed – well if you’ve been told you had a famous prior incarnation, perhaps you too then can rationalize behaving in a “special” way. Unfortunately, in this case, my view is that the obvious rationalization of specialness that has emerged here may do more damage than good. Here’s a question for Nosh and for those who also believe they have a “specialness” (as opposed to simply obeying a charge to do specific work for Meher Baba): just who could possibly be your successor? Does this question keep you awake at night, wondering who could possibly fill your shoes? Well,… Read more »

10 years ago

apparently Baba or someone thereabouts told Nosh he had been Khalil Gibran

10 years ago

Or someone there abouts? I am there about and don’t believe. Not that Khalil Gibran would be anyone to excited about. A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou. Maybe the Darvish was Khalil. Got some instruction up there in the heavenly sphere and is now The Darvish.