we only met you…

we only met you after you left your body behind,
but we know you to be compassionate, most kind.

your loving presence has always remained with us-
even awakening the stony heart to feel your kiss.

stone must break to release the secret joy within-
only dust can rise to the clap of the master’s whim.

age after age rolls by to crush the hardened heart,
we must long for the master and from him never part.

god help us to believe in our own grinding pain-
there is no other way to abide in lover’s lane.

the world throws salt on the wounds of our endeavor,
we cry out for grace to unite us with you forever.

the dawn breeze spoke to darvish about god’s deep trust-
one day, by the master’s touch, he will be singing dust!

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Dina Gibson
13 years ago

Beautiful Bill. Thanks for sending it. May I publish it in the next issue of the Love Street LampPost?
In His love,