More thoughts on AI

AI is a parody of the faculty of reason- at hyper speed. It is a tool, based on the computing power of the microchip- which makes it a machine. But its power to copy the processes of the mind- including skillful cut and paste, i.e. editing, is entirely parody.

Now, the most miraculous thing about AI is the speed at which it can operate. This is what allows it to seemingly improve upon the human faculty of reason. As if the faculty of reason could instantly know and comment intelligently upon anything. AI is practically omniscient.

Meher Baba has commented on the nature of mind as divine when still, sane when slow and mad when fast. The average mind, he says, is absolutely mad with constant and uncontrollable train-of-thought. The spiritually advanced have slowed the operations of mind down dramatically- to the point where they cease to be automatons compelled by desire; the Perfect Master and Avatar, whose mind is completely still- that is, not activated by desire, are God.

AI, which mimics reason, but at hyper speed, is simply an artifact of human reason- and completely insane by nature. It is a tour de force of computing power, based on algorithms, mimicking the operations of reason- doing better than what reason itself is capable of, but is completely severed from consciousness. It does not have a soul.

AI is an insane machine.

AI heralds the denouement of the Kali Yuga, the age of the machine. The Kali Yuga ends in destruction as the collective mind goes completely insane. The Kali Yuga ends with the triumph of the machine mind.




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