America’s Astrology, Part 4: Rahu’s Very Beautiful Revenge in 2024.

In Indian astrology, Rahu and Ketu mark the astronomical axis where the orbit of the Moon crosses the ecliptic which defines where eclipses are possible. This is where the Sun, Moon and Earth all line up in a straight line. When both the Sun and Moon, either in conjunction or opposition aspect, are sufficiently close to this axis, eclipses occur. They represent the potential power to darken either the Sun or Moon. They are regarded as “shadow planets”  on the basis of this potentiality to effect an eclipse. Understand that they have an interpretive value as planets that darken, obscure- and more besides, regardless of whether in a given natal chart they actually effect an eclipse or not.

But in the natal chart of Donald Trump, aka King Baby, who was born under a Sun/ Moon opposition aspect with Sun conjunct Rahu and Moon conjunct Ketu, this effected a total lunar eclipse, and one in which the Moon takes on a red/ orange hue and is called a “Blood Moon”. Thus King Baby was born with an orange astral crown. He was born at the time when the Sun’s light was obscured by the earth and the Moon was bled of light.

Both King Baby and Corn Pop have Rahu in the 10th house- and Ketu directly opposite, in the 4th house. But only KB was born during an eclipse. (It wasn’t visible at the time and place of his birth, NYC, because he was born during the day.)  Rahu in the tenth house creates a tremendous ambition, for better or worse. This depends on the rest of the chart. KB decided to run for the presidency on a promotional lark simply because he thought it would give him more publicity, whereas CP has strategized his entire life to become president. His ambition is a decades’ long calculated effort.

Rahu is the north node and Ketu is the south node, referencing the Moon’s direction when crossing the ecliptic.  Rahu is the mouth of the dragon that swallows either the Sun or Moon, and Ketu is the tail from which the luminary reemerges. Rahu is especially associated with lunar eclipses and Ketu with Solar eclipses for the reason that Rahu’s symbolism relates to the subtle body, the seat of Prana ruled by the Moon, and Ketu’s symbolism relates to the causal/ mental body, the seat of desire, ruled by the Sun. The Moon distributes the light and shakti- the energy and power, of the Sun. Rahu relates to the energy of desire as radiated by the Moon, and Ketu to the seat of that desire as symbolized by the Sun.

The Moon’s power to distribute the light and energy of the Sun is dramatized in the 27 lunar mansions, called nakshatras, each spanning 13 degrees and 20 minutes of celestial longitude for a total of 360 degrees.  The Moon spends roughly one day in each of its mansions every month.

These remarks on Rahu and Ketu are relevant to understanding what’s happening in the US natal chart.


The US chart has Rahu in the sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon, in the 8th house, along with Mercury. Rahu is the power to occult the Moon, the shakti of the Sun. This means wherever Rahu is placed in a chart is a point of disruption of karmic patterns relative to desire and ambition, and often with creative results. Rahu disrupts the status quo. The US was “born” during Rahu’s major period as the Moon’s lunar mansion is ruled by Rahu, and the Moon’s placement begins the Vimshotari planetary cycle of prediction. The very inception of the US is powerfully symbolized by Rahu not only by the Moon placed in a nakshatra ruled by Rahu, but by Jupiter, lord of the ascendent, also placed in a nakshatra ruled by Rahu. (Each of the nine planets rules 3 nakshatras.)

The US is presently in a Vimshotari  Rahu major cycle of 18 years, with about 13 years left to run. The coming administration will be in a Rahu/ Saturn cycle for the first three years;  Saturn is in the 10th house, the house of the presidency. It is a planet of old age and control- a planet which resists change but which also represents the end of things. This will be a difficult period. It rules the 2nd house of banks, financial institutions, stocks and bonds and commerce. It also rules the third house of media and transportation.

The last year of the coming administration brings a Rahu/ Mercury period that lasts through March, 2026. This is a very different combination as Mercury rules youth and analytical thinking and thus strongly balances the significations of Rahu.

The Moon’s lunar nakshatras add another dimension of symbolism and interpretative meaning to planetary placements. The US chart ruler, Jupiter, is placed in the solar house Gemini; It’s lunar house is Ardra, ruled by Rudra, the wild and howling form of Shiva, the god of destruction and whose symbol is a teardrop. Ardra signifies karma that often brings one to tears.  The ruler of Gemini is Mercury and the ruler of Ardra is Rahu, and these two planets disposit Jupiter, lord of the ascendent and the 4th house, ie the homeland, of the US chart. Mercury disposits not only Jupiter, but all the planets in Gemini. So the coming Rahu/ Mercury period in the 8th house will be extremely consequential. Rahu/ Mercury is followed by Rahu/ Ketu. There will be a great national identity crisis developing over the entire Rahu period, which encompasses the next three administrations.

The Rahu/ Mercury period is especially interesting for the fact that both planets are placed in the nakshatra Pushya. Pushya is ruled by the deity Brihaspati, lord of sacred speech. It is considered a highly spiritual nakshatra, perhaps the most spiritual of all nakshatras, and promotes powerful speech and purification of the psyche. Pushya’s symbol is the cow’s udder indicating its primal power of nourishment. This period will very likely see the election of a national leader in 2024 who combines the significations of Rahu, Mercury and Pushya:  someone young, intelligent, heterodox, creative, capable of speaking truth to power- a highly articulate revolutionary. And very likely a woman.

The year 2024 will represent the greatest American revolution since 1776. It will be Rahu’s very beautiful revenge. It will represent the overthrow of the old order symbolized by Saturn: corporatized and militarized America.


America’s Astrology, Part 5: The presidential election of 2024 and the natal chart of AOC- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.





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3 years ago

AOC! I’m getting shivers, Darvish. Thanks for the great sereis