Darvish’s Guide To Understanding American Fascism

American fascism is pretty straightforward. The most difficult thing is to get past denial by dropping linguistic prudery. There is something of a comparison with the phrase, “Black lives matter”. If the response is, well, all lives matter, you have missed the point and revealed your unconscious (or conscious) racism. If the objection to the phrase “American fascism” is that any comparison to the Axis powers is banal, this also misses the point that the  military industrial complex has, as Eisenhower warned it would, come to rule our political economy.


The problem seems to be the sheer inability to grok what’s happened  since the end of the 2nd world war, and in particular the last 20 years. And this is very straightforward. The Spy and War Machine, a corporate enterprise, largely dominates the economy, and domestic and foreign policy. The corporate sector as a whole completely owns our politicians and dictates public policy.

The government is owned by corporations, who dictate the policy that spends our tax dollars. And this obviously includes Democrats just as much as Republicans. Both parties wholly support the Spy and War Machine, endless wars, jingoistic foreign policy, Islamophobia, the support of Salafi fundamentalism in Saudi Arabia and radicalized Judaism in Israel, American exceptionalism, the carceral state, racist law enforcement, wealth and income inequality, corporate control of food and energy production, and refusal to take global warming and climate change seriously. Both parties support a highly militarized and violent corporate state owned and run by oligarchs.

It’s that simple. The United States of Corporate Fascism.

O, and about King Baby Trump: he’s just the mewling and bawling version.


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Steve Goodman
3 years ago

The very fact that this essay isn’t part and parcel of American consciousness is the profoundly troubling situation. Greed rules ; it always has and always will.

3 years ago

The other aspect so many don’t understand, is the Democrats don’t want to win. The Democrats don’t mind if the Republicans win. The Democrats are interested in the same thing the Repblicans are. Maintaining the status quo for the 1%. And, to a much lesser extent, the 10%. This explains the inexplicable behaviour they indulge in. View everything they do through this lens and all will be clear. For example the Democrats character assasinating their own candidates, particularly when it looks like they may represent whatever the notional Democrats values(tm) are and that said candidate may have a chance of… Read more »