each thought, word and deed…

each thought, word and deed is the past making the future;
only in the present does spirit inspire dumb nature.

billions of times the mind sprouts a seed to form a body,
which lives and grows and serves yet again to host the godly.

all form is the holy alembic that creates spirit,
to be cast again and again into form to inspire it.

every breath unites form and mind in the creative now,
when god’s name is repeated with attention to the tao.

the silent stream of living being supports our many lives;
we must stop mind to free her waters and at love arrive.

but for the now we are the dead walking on a treadmill;
the lifeless pacing nowhere, automatons drinking swill.

the glass rises to my lips as the long breath beats time,
darvish drinks a measured kiss, pauses, and all else declines!




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