Response (non-vulgar edition) to the AMBPPCT Circular Letter of 17 November, 2011

In response to the recent circular letter from the AMBPPCT, I would like to make the following points:

1. It is NOT the responsibility of the Trustees to exercise damage control about Trust leadership, but to vigorously investigate, on their own initiative, longstanding complaints concerning Trust leadership, including the former Chairman. This is basic and competent oversight.

Do I need to inform the Trustees that they have been privy to many times the complaints against Trust leadership than has been recently publicly aired? Why hold us, the Public, accountable for what has always been your sworn duty? This is disgusting.

2. About the Trust recommendation that individuals only state their complaints in scheduled phone calls to Trustees- Think Again!

May I politely suggest that a web site be established by the Trust for all complaints against Trust leadership, and that the complaints and the Trust responses be available for public review.

In Our Lord and Master, Avatar Meher Baba,

Bill Gannett




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