What is politics?

Avatar Meher Baba famously said, “stay out of politics”. It’s not at all clear exactly what he meant by this, and there are divergent explanations. One comment by him on the utter insincerity of party politics- that it becomes impossible for an individual to retain integrity given the inevitable compromises involved, is perhaps a good place to begin in discussing the problem.

“What is politics but fraud? Whatever your own, honest, candid opinion might be, you have to act according to the creed of the party, [at times] against the voice of your conscience, and thus be dependent upon others for your actions, which is quite opposed to the fundamental principles of Truth.” Meher Baba

Now, in today’s world, from the perspective of America, this statement could not be more obvious and true. Party politics is a snarling dogs’ breakfast of furious dishonesty and insincerity. And the problem becomes yet more complicated as politics is completely dependent on media for accurate reporting of facts and vetting of facts. What results if media refuses to honestly play the role required for a vibrant democracy? And what if media is actively dishonest in its putative role? Moreover, what if media becomes a shill for partisan snarling? How is the public to be truly informed? Finally, what if the very notion of political parties as representative of the public, let alone an individual, is itself a complete farce?

It should be said, right away, that politics is about power. Indeed, it is nothing but the acquisition and wielding of power. What is the nature of power here in the US? Who wields power, and how did they get the power by which they govern?

It is emphatically not by the consent of the governed. Electoral politics is rigged in so many ways, where to begin? Of course, it’s about money, and the capacity of money to subvert the entire electoral process. And of course, this references corporations and their lobbyists above all else; corporations rule America.

This is not news, of course. But then, at the same time, it is continuously ignored. It is both acknowledged and denied at one and the same time- in the same breath. Everyone knows it’s true, but no one can do anything about it, and so it becomes normalized.

The two political parties- and the US will not allow a third party to emerge and upset the status quo, are both owned and ruled by corporate money and their lobbyists. The differences between the parties are insignificant relative to what they have in common, i.e. corporate hegemony. And this is by design. The politicians can argue about identity politics and culture wars, but they will never argue about the Spy and War Machine promoting militarized corporate empire. No matter how insane the foreign policy promoting prolonged war and carnage, no matter how insane the support of authoritarian governments licking the US corporate boot,  no matter how destructive of the civil, human and environmental rights the world over, both parties are in complete and perpetual agreement.

But not only are the two parties in complete and perpetual agreement, but so is corporate media. Corporate hegemony over the electoral process, government and media is perfect and complete. Politics in America is defined by corporate power distributed between two parties wholly owned by and subservient to militarized oligarchy.

Politics in America is defined by the fascist corporate state devoted to empire.

No wonder, Avatar Meher Baba said, “stay out of politics”.






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The Most Successfully Propagandized Nation On Earth

America has long believed that it is the greatest country on earth, and that it enjoys a divine favor and guidance like no other country on earth. This is summed up in the phrase, American exceptionalism.

All this, despite the fact it is a settler colonial state founded on genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, continued systemic racism, rapacious capitalism and savage imperialism- and all this excused or rationalized as the good faith effort toward achieving “a more perfect union”.

America continuously pats itself on the back for achieving- so it says, what no other nation has achieved, i.e. the most robust of democracies which has entitled it to lead the free world toward ever greater and more sublime political, civil and human rights.

And Americans believe this. That is, all good and patriotic Americans believe this, with all their minds, hearts and souls- and in support of this belief spend more taxpayer money on  the world’s largest and most powerful military than the next ten largest state military budgets combined.

Such is the American support for American exceptionalism. Wow.

In short, America believes in the power of violence to shove its idea of democracy down the gullets of the rest of the world- and, of course, it’s own citizens.

Americans have such a robust belief in violence that they possess more guns per capita than any other country in the world, has way more mass shootings and homicides than any other country in the world and it incarcerates more people per capita than the rest of the world- so much so that in fact the gulag archipelago of America contains more than 25% of the world’s incarcerated!

Wow, and Wow again!

Let’s hear it for American exceptionalism!

America so believes in exporting its rabid democratic ideals that it is the greatest benefactor of the world’s greatest fascist autocracies. There are so many to enumerate, where to begin?

Let’s start and end with Israel, as the case of Israel is the keystone of American fascist foreign policy. Israel claims that it is the only real democracy in the Middle East, just as America claims that it is the only real democracy in the entire world. So, indeed, they have a lot in common.

Both countries are based on Judeo-Christian racial and religious supremacy. In the case of Israel, racial and religious supremacy combine in one category, whereas in America the categories of race and religion tend to become focused in white Protestantism as defining exemplary democratic ideals.

The result is fascist nationalism in both cases, although the case of Israel is more egregious as it combines racial and religious identities in a single supreme chauvinism. It is for this reason that US politicians routinely and obsessively declare undying loyalty to Israel, as it is the world’s single greatest example of violent ethno-nationalism.

Americans are supremely propagandized in support of fascist domestic and foreign policies.


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Where the way and where the path that arrives at your feet?

Where the way and where the path that arrives at your feet?
Open the door and open the heart that we abide in love street.

We have heard, no man has increased his height by taking thought;
We have heard, silence is genius that can never be taught.

The sun rises, the sun sets, and the mind whirls ’round and ’round;
And my beloved glides through the night, full, without a sound.

I hold out my empty skull as a wine bowl for her to fill;
Maybe, maybe this raging will be drowned, and become still.

But by the beloved’s glance, the door to del is slammed shut;
the heart will never reveal spirit, but chase some tawdry slut.

Master, fill the crystal skull with wine that opens the door
and ushers me to regale you, like a drunk, on the floor.

Darvish’s whining for a drink has become indiscreet;
all his pounding has yet to open the door to love street.







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The spirit of social justice does not come from the law

The spirit of social justice does not come from the law. It comes from the love of truth and beauty. The genuine- and I mean genuine, regard for the Prophets and their message of love is the greatest impetus for social justice. The love of God in man alone fulfills heaven on earth.

The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, for example, did nothing to prevent genocide and slavery as founding tragedies. And obviously, neither did Christianity. The objection that additional legislation strove to create a more perfect union is a weak  argument at best- because state sponsored genocide and slavery and other social ills persist regardless. In fact, the argument can easily be made that legislation over time has done more to enshrine injustice than suppress it. After all, we live in a militarized fascist corporate state that has abolished genuine representative democracy and replaced it with oligarchy. The notional “more perfect union” has devolved steadily since at least the last 75 years. It is now nothing but trash.

It is time to stop talking about democratic ideals as if they existed. Democracy is dead.

The only remedy at this point is radical love for truth and beauty that completely rejects political posturing and the rhetoric of exhausted idealism. It is time to go rogue for the sake of God and man.






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Divine phallus vs. rocket/ missile

The Shiva lingam is the ancient Indian representation of God’s creativity. It is the basis for Shaivite religious worship. It represents Shiva’s divine dick. Now, this is not at all embarrassing to the Indian spiritual mind. God, of course, must have a dick. After all, where did man get his dick, if not from God?

Now, in keeping with all things modern, especially in the fag end of the Kali Yuga, the symbolism has been reversed and weaponized. The phallic rocket and missile have come to denote the acme of man’s capacity for- not creativity, but destruction. Infinite destruction, in fact, as in thermonuclear destruction.

Thus, modern man apes God: Civilized, rational, completely intelligent man, apes God.

Man’s dick has come to represent the possibility of global annihilation. In other words, man’s dick has become spiritually impotent and completely destructive instead of a creative instrument for the expression of God’s will.

Yet, world population has increased from an historic average of 200 million to almost 8 billion, in little over 200 years, in celebration of the end of the Kali Yuga. Indeed, man’s dick has been ever so busy mimicking God’s creativity that it has been exalted as an all powerful rocket that will first destroy the Earth, and then allow for our modern priests to escape to the heavens.

Wow! What an almighty dick!





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Ghazal #441 Khanlari, Divan-e-Hafez

For a long time you have tied us up with expectation;
Why confuse the sincere with someone else’s condition?

You have not looked at me with the eye of approval;
Is this how you regard those devoted to the spiritual?

Since the dawn breeze sang a page of your beauty to rose and bird,
Only clamoring and cry and tearing of shirt has been heard.

For Vanity’s sake, best that you cover your arm and wrist,
As you dip your brush in the blood of your loving subject.

O dervish in brightly patched coat who seeks to taste Presence:
Strange, that you eye secrets from those learned in nonsense!

O eye and lamp, since you are the narcissus of vision’s garden,
Why hold your head heavy around me, the heart-broken?

The jewel from Jamshid’s Cup is mined from a different world;
Why do you search for it in the potter’s jug of clay, instead?

Although Rendi and drink define all our sin precisely,
The lover cries- none but you has brought about our slavery!

Hafez, do not give up your days of peace in self-reproach:
What hope can you have of this world so full of “such and such”.

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The Kali Yuga Is The End Of Nature

The Kali Yuga, the last of the four cosmological cyclic ages, represents the end of Nature. In the ancient Greek telling, the Ages devolve from Gold to Silver to Bronze to Iron. The Kali Yuga is the Iron Age, the Age of the Machine. In the Indian telling, the cow of dharma (righteousness) has but one leg left to stand upon; in the first or Golden Age, it had all four legs to stand upon; but existence has now  become tenuous, doubtful- extremely precarious, and ridden with evil. Life itself is about to collapse.

As the Kali Yuga or Iron/ Machine Age approaches its denouement, Nature increasingly becomes a commodity that is bought, sold and exploited until, at the end of the Kali Yuga, it begins to break down and become destroyed- until it becomes incapable of sustaining life in any normal and natural manner.

This is the time we now live in. Technology and the cult of Progress- the ideology of the Machine Age, no longer believes in, or has any use for, Nature. Nature has been completely abandoned in favor of diabolical reason- the inversion of true intellect.

William Blake, writing at the beginning of the Industrial Age, was the first Western poet and prophet to articulate the degeneration we are now collapsing into. The cult of Progress  now earnestly embraces collective suicide. This is our glorious and emphatic Kool-Aid party to end all parties!

But even as Nature is humiliated and exploited, ravaged, and the close of the Kali Yuga approaches in the dissolution of the Universe in mahapralaya, divine love is the bridge into a New World and Golden Age that will triumph brilliantly.


And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England’s green and pleasant land.

William Blake






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A Congress of Eichmans

Hannah Arendt made the phrase “banality of evil” famous- and infamous.  When she reported on Eichman’s trial in Israel in 1961 with serialized installments to the New Yorker, not everyone was happy with her reporting.

Zionists especially were incensed that a German Jew would marginalize the evil of the Holocaust. And describing Eichman as the banality of evil seemed to do exactly that. But Arendt was describing what she saw: a mediocre and insipid yes-man protesting relentlessly that he was but a cog in the wheel of fascist state policy.

David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s prime minister, wanted a show trial that indicted Eichman as the architect of history’s most monstrous evil; the climax of thousands of years of anti-Semitism, and the best justification for Zionism. It was necessary that the embodiment of evil stand trial and thereby sanction what had been done and would be done to create the state of Israel: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

The controversy over her reporting was volcanic, and endures to this day.

There is no doubt that the Third Reich represents the acme of tragic nationalism. But also that it gave rise to an Israeli exceptionalism eerily similar to the self described identity of the US, American exceptionalism. Both the US and Israel are settler-colonial states in which the native population was/ is deemed inimical and sacrificial to God’s command. The Old Testament God blessed the birth of both nations in genocidal blood.

There is a widespread historical assumption in America that the US represents the Christian fulfillment of ancient Israel’s covenant with God. For example, slavery was considered by many in the colonies for over two hundred years to represent a divine prerogative descending from religious history. Today, America considers itself  “the indispensable nation”, i.e. that only America can fulfill the role of promoting civil and human rights across the Earth. And obviously Israel is a senior partner in this mandate. And for this reason Israel receives more military aid from the US- almost 4 billion dollars annually, than any other nation; it is a rite of political passage for every American politician to acknowledge fidelity to the sacred bond that unites the two countries.

The recent American political melodrama of King Baby Trump was the high- or low point, depending on your point of view, of US/ Israeli relations. Trump and the Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu, were fabulous collaborators in promoting American empire in the ME and Zionist apartheid in Israel. And so far Biden has continued to endorse virtually all of their joint agenda.

But the interesting thing is that the Democrats view Trump and the Republicans as incipient fascists, but are loathe to call Israel the same, even if they think it. Israel and the US War Machine is practically the only thing Dims and Repugs now agree upon. There is nothing they won’t do to support either Israel- or endless war in the ME, or somewhere else. Such is the power of enduring politicized and radicalized Judeo-Christian values.

King Baby Trump bears a passing comparison to Nazi leaders such as Eichman in that he came to be seen as the embodiment of evil by Democrats. He was regarded as the end of all that was politically and socially acceptable by liberals. Russiagate, however, unlike Eichman’s trial, was a complete bust. Eichman was hung for war crimes, but King Baby walked free. And for good reason of course, even if they were both justly considered evil: war crimes are much more awful than the unproved assertion of treason.

But as far as war crimes and the banality of evil are concerned, why not reference every past president beginning with George W. Bush, and all the Eichmans in Congress who have promoted twenty years of misery and war crimes in the Middle East? They are all, like Eichman, just cogs in the wheel of state fascism, doing their job, paying their bills, raising their children, mowing their lawns, supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and killing men, women and children with an abandon that would make Eichman laugh.

















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Baba, Bhau and Mahapralaya

Meher Baba included in his Discourses an entry on mahapralaya:

“The Mahapralaya of the world may be compared with the sleep of a man. Just as the varied world of experience completely disappears for the man who is in deep sleep, the entire objective cosmos which is the creation of Maya vanishes into nothingness at the time of Mahapralaya. It is as if the universe had never existed at all.” Discourses, 6th edition, pg. 44

There are several other references in Baba literature by Baba on mahapralaya, but all of them simply descriptive as the quote above. My favorite image from Baba for mahapralaya is that it is like God breathing in creation in which it is de-manifested until he breathes out creation once again in which it it is re-manifested; mahapralaya is the in-breath of God. God is a very, very deep and slow breather as the creator and destroyer of the Universe.

So, as far as the Baba literature and mandali memories go up until Bhau’s “Avatar of the Age Meher Baba Manifesting”, mahapralaya is just something that recurs after some unfathomably long period of time. Baba did not give the subject anything more than a passing comment. But in two entries at the very end of that book, Bhau avers that the Final Declaration given by Baba in 1954 contains a reference to this cosmic event happening in the near future.

“Mahapralaya is when everything goes to sleep. The force of Mahapralaya is the same force that overwhelms man to sleep. During Mahapralaya the mind of man rests in a deep sleep. When the mind of man awakens, after Mahapralaya, the effect is a fresh peace. Peace will come to the mind of man after Mahapralaya. This peace is deep because the mind of man has rested for a long, long time. This peace is unlike any other state of the everyday normal activities of the human mind. This peace is of having been reborn, of having been made new. It is the peaceful state of having only natural sanskaras and of having the mind focussed on the straight path toward involution, toward God.

When Meher Baba refers to a great happening in the future, ” . . . Something that has never happened before,” he is referring to a great period of time. This great happening occurs during the known time before Mahapralaya has occurred, and also the known time after Mahapralaya has occurred. The outcome of this great happening is the state of peace to the mind of man. Peace will come after this known time of the forthcoming Maha- pralaya. When Meher Baba declares, ” . . . This great happening will not happen again for billions and billions of years,” he is again referring to another great period of time. That great happening will occur during this present period of time that is leading up to the next Mahapralaya, and it is also that period of time in the future that is after the next forthcoming Mahapralaya. The mind of man will be fully rested and peace will be established in the mind’s consciousness.” AOTAMBM, pg 216 book edition.

I believe there must have been an editing problem with the text toward the end of the second paragraph above as it becomes unintelligible. But the “Great Happening” is evidently a reference to both before and after mahapralaya, and is characterized by “a state of peace to the mind of man.”

“When Meher Baba completed his universal work, he did break his silence by the releasing of his work. A great happening is about to occur. However, the feeling of oneness, as a result of the work, is felt gradually by mankind. At present, everything appears to be separating and falling apart during the world’s chaos and confusion, and must be reunited and cleared. This will happen through the power of his work that he has released when he dropped the body. Oneness will come as mankind gradually hears the Word that he spoke in the breaking of his silence. When the world realizes that the breaking of Meher Baba’s silence is the power behind his universal manifestation, then mankind will gradually realize that a great happening is taking place. This period of time will be known as the time before Mahapralaya.”

The image that comes to mind is that for creation ( the Universe) to wake up happy and refreshed after mahapralaya, it must first be put to sleep in a happy and peaceful mood. Creation cannot wake up after mahapralaya in a golden age unless it goes to sleep in a golden age, so to speak.

What this implies is that the 3/4 destruction of the world referred to by Baba as his  spiritual work is what is necessary for the world to put to sleep in a good mood, sometime after he returns in 700 years, so that it can wake up in a good mood after he finally breathes in the universe, putting it to sleep and out of its blissful misery.

Now, what I have to say about all this, is why didn’t Baba talk about it? Why did he presumably leave it to Bhau to inform us that the whole shebang is just about over, and that his job is to first spank and then coddle the babies to go to sleep, so that they all then wake up divinely babbling?

Is this Avataric gaslighting?


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The How and Why of American Fascism

American fascism is its very own brand. It is distinct from the European fascism of the 1930’s and ’40’s. The reluctance to call it for what it is lies in the reluctance to clearly understand American history and to account for what has happened, especially since the end of the last great war- and most especially in the last twenty plus years.

In classic fascism the jingoistic state, in the person of a charismatic demagogue, assumes control of the military and economy. The state through the agency of a talented demagogue corrupts the political process by enlisting the military, police, industry and church to resurrect past greatness.

The appeal in fascism lies in a demoralized populace due to economic despair; incompetent and ineffectual politics; the collapse of authentic religiosity; and exceptional collective tension and anxiety which contrives a scapegoat. Fascism draws upon the irrational.

The unusual thing about American fascism is that the corporate sector on the basis of lobbying has corrupted electoral politics and assumed control of government. This represents an inversion of European fascism.  This is fascism by stealth. It did not require a demagogue to effect; it did not require, initially, a demoralized public to succeed and it did not require initially the explicit compliance of the church, police or military. This is the most important point to understand.

American fascism has been a long time in the making. All fascism requires nationalism, a call to patriotism in the service of some past ideal, and against some enemy of that ideal. This has always been in fact the American genius: to always have an enemy that opposes its expansion and success as a (thinly disguised) racist enterprise drawing upon exalted humanist democratic rhetoric as the basis for its existence.

America’s very founding depended on the calculated violence of settler colonialism. (Israel shares this distinction.) Genocide and slavery are at the very root of American culture. Jamestown, the first permanent British colony in the Americas, was in fact a corporation chartered to return a profit on the basis of exploitation; this requirement quickly adopted slavery as the most expedient way to provide the labor that the English were not themselves willing to provide. (The Native American proved comparatively useless in this regard. They had nothing but contempt for capitalism).

But history is always written by the victors, and the real history of genocide and slavery has been whitewashed to create the fantasy of an idealized past that serves as the basis, in our time,  for the development of fascism. The American obligatory homage to its past as a humanist, democratic and egalitarian striving for political freedom is total bullshit but which Americans generally look back upon as the gospel truth.  This is who we want to think we are.

Americans have accepted the legacy of Jamestown as an entirely appropriate guide to an exalted future of democratic capitalism: Wall Street is the apotheosis of Jamestown. The slavery of Blacks has been replaced by the slavery of the working class.

What this means is that the basic elements of European fascism have been so well socialized here in America that they are not commonly identified as such. The telltale qualities of fascism such as hyper-masculinity, the propensity for violence, the fervent belief in an exalted mythic past that that must be restored, the hatred of corrupting foreigners, an ardent espousal of martial virtue in both police and military, the cult of patriotism as the defining American virtue, and the enshrining of materialistic values as the sign of a beneficent God are permanently entrenched in the American psyche.

The end of the 2nd WW, the collapse of the Soviet Union and 9/11 all served to confirm the most exalted and exceptional destiny of America to rule the world by projecting the myth of democracy and egalitarianism. The potent legacy of America’s racism and exploitation was unleashed upon the world with the rationalization that it is our destiny to ennoble man with a supreme militarized and implicitly religious (pure) corporate based nationalism.

Or, in other words, fascism, American style.











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