How the world cries for pie-in-the-sky and stellar bliss

How the world cries for pie-in-the-sky and stellar bliss,
but no heaven or starship can match the friend’s kiss.

God high in the empyrean is the distant father-
deaf and dumb until embraced as our very brother.

We have forgotten that God walks the earth as a man,
his body an infinite mercy revealing his plan.

He is the brother and friend who attracts his companions
to share in the work that is his daily crucifixion.

We have put him back in the sky, quoting some tired book
and invented rockets to go have an inquiring look.

The prophets and masters are like the stars at night-
beyond measure, showering grace upon man’s sight.

Darvish loves Meher whose name means mercy and sun,
whose friendship declares to the universe, we are one.








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