Why You Should Not Vote For The Monster King Baby Trump

Why you should not vote for the monster King Baby Trump.
Rumors say King Baby was made in a neoliberal laboratory in an experiment that went badly. This is embarrassing to neoliberal scientists who disavow the fact. They deny all reports that claim such paternity. And they will track, trace and isolate anyone who makes this assertion. Like the Chinese state party enforcers. The official story is that King Baby is a mutated random event: all evolution is entirely random, without design and just cleverly opportunistic. And King Baby got loose somehow. But neoliberals had nothing to do with it.
Please don’t buy this fake news. It’s totally bogus fake and junk news. Garbage news. Neoliberal scientists will take care of this. They will track and trace this monster and isolate him, although they didn’t create him. The expert Clinton Foundation Laboratories is working on this. CEO Corn Pop is in charge.



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