Rahu And The American Cult of Exceptionalism

Rahu is the name for the north node of the Moon in Indian astrology. It signifies the astronomical point where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth going north crosses the ecliptic – the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth. Ketu, the south node of the Moon, represents the Moon’s crossing the ecliptic when traveling south. The nodes represent where eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are aligned with them. A solar eclipse occurs when both Sun and Moon are conjunct one of the nodes, and a lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, each conjunct one of the nodes. They simply represent the astronomical relationship when the Earth, Sun and Moon are  aligned in a straight line. In the case of a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks the Sun’s light, and in the case of a lunar eclipse, the Earth blocks the Sun’s light. Eclipses are only possible because the relative size of the Sun and Moon, from the perspective of the Earth, are the same.

Rahu and Ketu, before creation, were a single serpent-rakshasa (demon). The trouble started when all the planetary gods gathered at a celestial banquet to receive amrita, the celestial wine of immortality, on the day of creation (they were to be created for all time). They were all seated at the banquet table, Sun and Moon beside each other, when Vishnu poured the amrita into their mouths but the rakshasa interposed itself between the two luminaries, opened his mouth- and became immortal. The Sun and Moon were horrified, and immediately exclaimed to Vishnu the folly of what he had done, and Vishnu at once threw his discus at the now divine rakshasa, cutting it in half. Rahu became the head and Ketu became the tail of the serpent who, in revenge, forever chases the luminaries and regularly eats them and eclipses their light.

Rahu and Ketu are the most fascinating of all the planets in Indian astrology because of their ability to change and even transform the nature of the other planets. The Sun hates Ketu in particular and the Moon hates Rahu in particular for their capacity to occlude their light and render them invisible.

The Sun represents the mental body, the Moon the subtle body and the Earth (ascendant) the physical, or gross body, in a horoscope. Ketu is moksha karaka- indicator of liberation, because of its capacity to occlude the Sun, or mental body, the repository of all karma. Rahu signifies worldy ambition- intense desire, because of its capacity to occlude the Moon, or subtle body, and thereby release unchecked appetite. There is no planetary deity like Rahu that represents such insanely intense craving. Even Mars, planetary lord of desire and energy, can not compare with Rahu. Rahu is the power to completely “lose one’s mind” because of desire.

Rahu is the bad guy in Indian astrology. Saturn is also a bad guy, but for different reasons. Rahu has the capacity to affect the mind (Moon) in a dramatic manner because it specifically releases cravings from the unconscious. Rahu rules mediums, the capacity to access the astral body, but also the vulnerability to possession by demonic entities. Rahu rules hypnosis, the power to put the mind into a state in which the will is occluded. Rahu thus has a powerful relation to the astral body- the body that connects the physical body to the subtle body, the body of energy. Rahu releases energy, specifically desire, which is embodied energy- but without the guidance of spirit, or the higher mind. For these reasons, Rahu is the most feared of the planetary gods.

Now, Rahu has a good side- believe it or not, after having said all of the above. Rahu signifies imagination, visualization, the capacity to momentarily and partially become detached from the restraints of the body. It signifies everything “foreign”, and release from habitual restraint and conditioning. It rules “mind expanding” drugs and alcohol. It rules altered states of consciousness- but not truly higher states of consciousness, which are ruled by Ketu. Rahu rules the dream state. Rahu also rules the capacity to influence the public by way of charisma, the sensuous and the erotic, and the capacity to project and market desire. Rahu represents change and innovation.

Now we come to our main subject of discussion: Rahu rules cults, political and religious, because it gives the capacity to suspend judgement. Rahu occludes the capacity for critical thinking- whereas Ketu heightens the capacity for critical thinking. Rahu represents the capacity for loss of identity due to being ungrounded and disassociated, whereas  Ketu represents the capacity for loss of identity due to spiritual discrimination, i.e. “I am not this, I am not that” (which has its own perils relative to physical and mental health.)

Individuals (and nations) who markedly project charisma and authority on the basis of desire for power and fame are under the influence of Rahu, as are those who believe in such people. This is usually when Rahu (and Ketu) are associated with the Sun and Moon by conjunction aspect. Because Rahu and Ketu are an axis, when one is conjunct a planet, the other is necessarily opposite that planet. Rahu and Ketu have other ways of projecting their influence, but the conjunction aspect is the most powerful.

In the natal chart for the US, born on July 4th 1776 at 6:30 pm at Philadelphia, the US has Sagittarius rising which makes Jupiter the chart ruler. Jupiter is in Gemini, in the lunar sign (nakshatra) Ardra, which is ruled by Rahu. The Moon is placed in Aquarius in the lunar sign Shatabisha, which is also ruled by Rahu. The two most important indicators of the nation’s personality and collective karma- its moods, likes and dislikes and destiny, are thus influenced by Rahu.

Jupiter as the ascendant ruler strongly promotes growth and development, and an abiding interest in law and religion. Indeed, America is famous for its devotion to the Constitution and to myriad religious denominations and cults. That Jupiter is in Gemini, the sign of information and communication, and in the 7th house, the domain of trade, diplomacy and international conflict, all strongly promote this inherent obsession with law, morality and God- to the world.

The Moon is in Aquarius the 3rd house, the domain of media, which gives an obsession with all forms of media and communication, including the internet. The Moon rules Cancer the 8th house, where Rahu and Mercury are placed. The Moon thus broadcasts what Rahu and Mercury signify as the controlling planets in the US chart: Rahu, because it rules the lunar signs in which the Moon and Jupiter are placed, and Mercury, because it  rules Gemini, the 7th house and Virgo, the 10th house, the two most powerful angles of the US chart (because of the four planets in the 7th, and the 10th ruling the nation’s presidency).

This emphasis on Cancer the 8th house in the US chart signifies many important things about US karma. First and foremost, a compulsive sentimentality. Both Mercury and Rahu are badly placed in Cancer as it is the sign of feelings; Mercury, the capacity to think rationally, is at sea in Cancer. Rahu and the Moon are bitter enemies; Rahu is specifically the capacity to subvert the mind, and here it is in the Moon’s domicile conjunct Mercury-  the mind’s rational faculties!  This promotes an exceptional capacity for rationalization, which is applied to its essential identity as a God-fearing nation devoted to law and order, signified by Sagittarius the ascendant, and Jupiter, the ruler of the ascendant. America can do no wrong. This is the astrological signature explaining both “Manifest Destiny” and “American exceptionalism”.

What does Cancer the 8th house signify? The 8th house rules the national debt, interest rates, the stock market, i.e. the capitalization behind corporations, government bonds (publicly issued debt), the death rate as reflected in public calamities such as pandemics, disaster relief debt, insurance claims, foreign financial relations and foreign debt (balance of trade). Basically, the 8th rules debt- all kinds of debt, incurred by or related to, the public. And – let’s not forget the category of taxation as the capacity of a nation to fund the national budget.

There is an American saying, “nothing is more certain than death and taxes”, which the US chart most beautifully and exceptionally illustrates. The chart ruler, Jupiter, is placed in the 7th house, which rules foreign trade and foreign wars, is disposited by Mercury, ruler of Gemini, placed in the 8th; And Rahu disposits Jupiter’s placement in Ardra, and is in the 8th. It is the US’s exceptional destiny to fund foreign wars and corporate gain through massive public debt and taxation- by completely losing its mind!

The United States of America is a cult devoted to corporatism and militarism!

It is no surprise the King Baby Trump as a cult leader extraordinaire was born under a total lunar eclipse known as a “blood red (orange) Moon”. He was born with a red/ orange halo to lead America into insurrection.

And it is no surprise that he did so shortly after the US entered a planetary cycle of 16 years ruled by Rahu, some 12 years of which remain to highlight the US 8th house of debt and calamity!

An exceptional destiny awaits the US over the next decade (as it continues to lose its mind).























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