Mary carries the Word within her womb to safety

Mary carries the Word within her womb to safety-
soon the world will be delivered from captivity.

Giddi-up donkey, through the wind and rain and snow.
A wondrous Christ-child’s cry yearns to grace bestow!

The wandering Stars combine luminous astral virtues
to mirror the Ancient One’s holy radiant nature.

All the doors that close in Joseph and Mary’s face
lead to the Manger for Nature’s open embrace.

The Magi come bearing gifts for the King of Kings,
whose beauty is the glory that inspires men to sing.

Christ is the promise that releases prayer in the heart,
by which Darvish is free from the tyranny of thought.

Giddi-up donkey, through the wind and rain and snow:
the heavens weep in joy for Man and Earth below!

line in italics by Robert Rouse.





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