Beloved Archives Running A Con.

Nosh Anzar, shyster in chief at the archival and publishing enterprise dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba and based in NJ, has just announced he is auctioning off two dozen or so Baba artifacts, including a signed copy of God Speaks and a copy of Stay With God signed by both Baba and Francis Brabazon.

Anzar states in his online announcement that the upcoming auction is a fundraiser to purchase a bigger archival center. It is vitally important that Baba lovers not participate in this unethical attempt to yet again raise money for a project riddled with dishonesty. It would be aiding and abetting a dishonest project in Baba’s name to do so.

A central problem to this attempt to raise money for a bigger and better “House of the Beloved” is that it sets a precedent in the Baba archival world in monetizing priceless Baba artifacts. Another problem is that it violates the trust of the many donors to Beloved Archives that gifts in Baba’s name can be sold off to the highest bidder. A third problem is that Anzar has unethically obtained Baba artifacts and is now possibly liquidating them for cash. A case in point is the suitcase full of artifacts that Anzar wheedled from the feckless Peter Townsend of the erstwhile Baba centre, The Oceanic.

Delia de Leon gave in good faith to Townsend as the benefactor of The Oceanic many priceless Baba treasures including a signed copy of God Speaks and a copy of Stay With God signed by both Baba and Francis Brabazon. Are these the items now up for auction? Where are these items and the suitcase full of Baba treasures that Anzar so gleefully announced he had obtained to aggrandize his archival collection? Have they been returned to their rightful place, the UK London Baba Centre, or are they now up for sale?

This story is a shameless disgrace and a humiliation to the living memory of Avatar Meher Baba.

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6 years ago

He immediately cancelled the sale.

Simin Mohajerani
6 years ago

agae after age HE has come to guide and awaken us to Truth… How soon we forget why HE came…it’s only been 49 years since Beloved has dropped HIS body and cover… we couldn’t manage to wait for even 100 years…! all His pain and sufferings… was it all in vein??!!! HOW soon HIS so called lovers, have started abusing HIS name…?! Those we Trust and put in high places in protecting HIS name and work… seem to care more and more in doing business under HIS name…! what a shame and disgrace in turning HIS lovers away… when all… Read more »