The Infantilization of Nature

America has led the way with the infantilization of Nature. This is in lock step with Progress- which is the whore-muse inspiring this nation. Nature is now a perfect abstraction- conjured only in tempestuous weather as an aberrant phenomenon.

We don’t believe in Nature. This is the point. Nature is an hysterical feminine construct. Walt Disney now defines Nature, which subsists on a sentimental life support system of drugs, technology and delusion. This is real.

And this is why climate crisis doesn’t exist: It is a fabrication of politicized science in the interest of socialists, who love big government.

Bambi can cry all she wants. But Progress dictates the future. The robotic fascist future has arrived and will rule the earth, and heavens also.

Until the God Man breaks his silence and releases the Word, the Word of divine wrath and mercy.




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