The Great Jupiter/ Saturn Conjunction of December 21, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn have been close together for some months, visible in the evening sky as a pair of bright wandering stars. Both planets are now in early Capricorn of the Lahiri sidereal zodiac- not the tropical zodiac familiar to the West, and will attain exact conjunction on the Winter Solstice, December 21st at 6 degrees Capricorn.

Jupiter, according to Indian astrology, is at its maximum debility at 5 degrees Capricorn. That it is also conjunct Saturn in Saturn’s own sign- where it is most powerful, is a double blow to its significations. Jupiter represents, in one word, dharma, or righteousness- individual and social, and this conjunction thus signifies a striking low point in terrestrial affairs.

Jupiter and Saturn conjunct every 20 years, so the conjunction is itself not unusual. What makes this conjunction unusual is that it happens with Jupiter at maximum debility, with Saturn being extremely strong, and that it also happens on the darkest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere). Jupiter and Saturn are the two most important social planets in astrology. They represent opposing and complementary forces or karmas, and represent how individual karmas relates to the wider world.

Jupiter rules religion, philosophy, education, travel, law, the courts, finance and the professions (as opposed to the trades).

Saturn rules government, hierarchy, consolidated power- anything and everything that imposes limits and finality. It rules the trades, labor, disease and suffering. It also rules democracy- rule by the people, but also rule by the mob. It rules corporations because corporations are legally owned by shareholders. It rules administration and bureaucracy.

This transiting conjunction at 6 degrees Capricorn falls in the 2nd house of the USA chart of July 4th, 1776 at Philadelphia at 6:30 pm, known as the Kelleher chart. The 2nd and 8th houses form an axis that is referred to as the financial axis of a chart. The conjunction will aspect Rahu and Mercury in the 8th house; Mercury rules houses 7 and 10, which rule foreign affairs and conflicts, and the presidency, respectively. This transiting conjunction will thus directly affect the presidency, foreign affairs and since Rahu is the ruling planet of the US chart at this time according to the Vimshotarri dasha cycle, it will activate Rahu and 8th house significations in an especially unpredictable manner. Moreover, this transiting conjunction falls exactly on top of the US natal Pluto placement; Pluto by transit has just entered Capricorn as well, and over the next 4 years is making a “Pluto return” to its natal placement at 6 degrees Capricorn.

The karmas that are activated in this month of December will be dramatic and continue for years. The US will experience trauma signified by Jupiter and Saturn transiting over natal Pluto, directly affecting the presidency and promoting martial conflict and financial chaos.

Something unexpected is about to happen- apart from the pandemic, which may climax in the coming months. The pandemic is only the opening act.




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